Leading US Manufacturer of
Heavy Duty Hinges & Door Operators

Uninterrupted Power Supply

Model UPS-500VA Specification

To be used exclusively with NB500, NB500-LE, NB1000, NB2000 or NB2000-HD2 Swinging Door Operators

>Download Spec Sheet (PDF)

Model UPS-500VA is an Uninterruptible Power Supply designed for use with our product line of swinging door operators. A high performance, hard-wired system for 120VAC/240VAC applications that will provide up to 500VA of battery-mode AC power for extended periods of time. Doors can be cycled continuously for up to 5 hours before re-charging is required. Buffering time will vary depending on actual load conditions.

This is accomplished when DC power from (2) 12Ah batteries is inverted into AC power during a main power interruption. This allows our swinging door operators to remain fully functional at all times, especially during activation of: safety features, fire/smoke alarm, security monitoring or any special customer I/O requirements.

Software that will monitor and configure the AC-UPS-IQ control unit can be downloaded directly from the manufacturer’s website for free.

Brookfield Uninterrupted Power Supply UPS-500VA